GOALD Project Comes to Roselea Court

The residents of Roselea Court Care Home in Stirling recently got a visit from GOALD (Generating Older Active Lives Digitally).
GOALD (Generating Older Active Lives Digitally) is a project that has been set up between the students at the University of Stirling and the University of Plymouth, with the aim of helping older people reap the advantages that digital technology can have on our overall health and wellbeing.
By using intergenerational groups, the GOALD project is reviewing and developing ways in which older people can be stimulated by structured digital activity programmes, and the residents at Roselea Court Care Home in Stirling got to experience this firsthand this week.
Our residents who are taking part in the GOALD project had their first taste of virtual reality, trying out a VR headset. Although they were a bit unsure at first, they quickly got the hang of it and are looking forward to using it again.

The VR headset allowed our residents to enter new realities and explore new places without leaving the comfort of their own home. These digital technologies present a whole host of new possibilities for care home residents and we are very excited to see what more is yet to come.
We strongly believe in empowering our older generation and providing them with as many opportunities as possible to try new things and benefit their overall wellbeing. We are excited by the GOALD Projects' mission to improve technology for the older generation and we are delighted to be taking part.